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We can ship smaller packages to PO boxes and by USPS only.
To calculate estimated shipping, place the items in the shopping cart. Next click the shopping cart at the top right corner and view shopping cart.
Click "Estimate Shipping and Taxes" and insert your shipping data. For exact shipping costs, you would need to log into your online account to enter the entire shipping address. If you have not created an online account, you would need to do so. Next proceed as if placing the order. If you do not wish to place the order after shipping has been calculated, simply remove the items from your shopping cart found under Cart Contents.
All shipping must be prepaid. We do not charge shipping to a customer's UPS or FedEx account. MITECH Trading would be liable for unpaid shipping bills.
We do not export outside the USA nor do we accept payments from outside the USA. You must have a USA billing address.
We do not offer free shipping. However, reduced shipping is quoted in your shipping price if the total weight is above 200 lbs.
For larger than usual orders requesting a freight quote, please contact us by email at [email protected].
In your email please include:We will reply by email the following business day with the most economical and efficient shipping method either by an alternate shipping carrier or UPS Freight.
We offer the expedited shipping services available through UPS, FedEx, and USPS. However, please be sure to allow 1-2 business days for order processing in addition to the shipping transit time chosen. Shipping is counted in business days.
Orders usually ship within 1-3 business days from the date the order is placed, with the exception of the State of California. Due to the labeling of the California's Proposition 65, orders shipping to California can take up to 4 business days to ship from the day it is placed.
We do not ship COD. All orders must be prepaid by USA issued credit card or USA PayPal payments.
We ship by UPS, FedEx, and USPS for smaller packages.
Merchandise covered under the Limited Lifetime Warranty is replaced as long as we sell the product. Knife handles, and knobs and handles on cookware are not covered under this warranty. The customer is responsible for all shipping costs on merchandise returned under this warranty.
A return authorization can be requested for a refund of an unopened unused product in it's original packaging or replacement for sizing within 25 business days of receipt of merchandise. Shipping and handling fees are non-refundable.
After the 25 business days, return authorizations will only be issued for replacement of a damaged product covered under an extended warranty. Warranty information for each qualifying item is listed within the description of the item for your review prior to making the purchase.
Merchandise purchased with our print service cannot be returned. To request a return authorization with return instructions, please go to your account and use the returns feature from the invoice. Customer pays all return freight cost. Returns may be subject to a 15% restocking fee.
We must be notified immediately upon receipt of the merchandise regarding missing or damaged merchandise. Please use the Contact Us link under Customer Support to report such discrepancies.
Prices listed on our website are the same for everyone regardless if you are an individual consumer, wholesaler, reseller, or drop shipper. However, should you wish to receive a quote for a larger quantity then offered on our website, please contact us by email at [email protected]. Please be sure to include your name and shipping address.
To be quoted for freight, please be sure to include if delivery will be made to a loading dock, front door, or inside delivery. If a fork lift, help unloading or delivery appointment needed.
MITECH Trading has the right to adjust prices accordingly, therefore we do not offer price adjustments if an item is reduced after the initial purchase.
We do not have a printed catalog. All our products are listed on the website.
We do not offer a product CD. However for the purpose of reselling our products, we offer a Product Feed for our customers. You must first create an online account to use this feature. The Product Feed is located in your account information under Re-seller Tools. You are not allowed to link direct to the images on our server.
To become a wholesaler, re-seller or drop shipper, you must have a USA billing address. You must first create an online account and you'll be able to begin placing orders. The prices listed on our website will be your wholesale prices. We do not ship outside the USA.
The wholesale prices listed on our website are the same for individual consumers, wholesalers, resellers, and drop shippers.
For the purpose of reselling our products, we offer a Product Feed for our customers. You must first create an online account to use this feature. The Product Feed is located in your account information under Re-seller Tools. Please note, you are not allowed to link direct to the images on our server.
Your company information will appear on the invoice emailed to you. Your invoice is also available for printing under your account order history. Invoices are not included with your customer's order. Your customer will receive a packing list. The packing list will have our company name on it along with the merchandise they ordered.
Prices are not listed on the packing list. Our company name and address will appear on all drop ship orders.
Currently we do not accept new affiliates in our affiliate program. We expect to move our own hosted affiliate program to Commission Junction and will open up for new affiliate members when this is done. We do not have any deadline set for this. Please sign up for our newsletter here and you will be notified when we accept new members.
Dropshipping orders must be shipped and billed within USA
We do not have a minimum order requirement for drop shipping. However, there may be a few products that do require a certain quantity for purchase. For these items, the minimum quantity would be listed within the product description.
Invoices are emailed and available from your order history. A packing list with our company's name, adderss, and item description will be included with your customer's order, however prices are not listed.
Our company name and address will be on the UPS shipping label as well as the packing list your customer receives. Prices are not listed on the packing list. Invoices are not included in the shipment.
There are no drop shipping charges.
We will drop ship to your customer within the USA. We do not export.
Our company name, address, and item description appears on the packing list included with your customer's order, however, prices do not.
Invoices are emailed and available under your order history.
There is no minimum order requirement for drop ship orders.
You can add and manage several different shipping addresses through our shopping cart. Add your own address as billing address (must match credit card address), and your customers address as shipping address.
The wholesale prices listed on our website are the same for regular and drop ship orders.
We do not have specific drop ship accounts, however, we will drop ship within the USA. We sell to everyone, therefore, you only need to create an online account to place regular or drop ship orders.
Please contact us immediately using the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page. Please provide us with your order number and the reason for the dispute. We will reply by email within 24 business hrs.
We do not charge a handling fee.
Payments are accepted only from USA billing addresses. Payment is accepted by USA issued credit cards or PayPal USA accounts. We do not accept gift cards, checks, money orders, or net term accounts. For large company orders, payment by wire transfer may be accepted. Please contact us using the Contact Us link under Information. All emails are answered within 24hrs Mon-Friday.
Sales tax is charged only to Florida customers. If you have a current year Florida resale's certificate or are tax exempt, please fax a copy to 321-608-2389 or by email to [email protected]. Florida sales tax is automatically added to Florida shipments. If a copy of your Florida resale's certificate or tax exempt form is on file, sales tax is removed when the order is processed.
If your order shows as pending and you wish to cancel, please contact us immediately by email [email protected] or using the Contact Us link at the bottom of this page. There will be a $10 fee for order cancellation. Once an order has been updated from pending to processed, it can not be altered or cancelled since it has been placed in the system for shipping.
To compare products, place your mouse pointer over the product picture. Click on the blue circular Compare this Product icon to the right of the picture. Repeat this procedure for the next product. When you are ready to compare the products, click on Products Compare, just above the product pictures.
We sell wholesale to everyone with a USA billing address. This includes consumers, retailers, wholesalers, and drop shippers. Prices and quantity discounted pricing listed on our website is the same for everyone regardless if you own a business or not. You only need to create an online account to buy or sell our products. We do not ship outside the USA.
Once you have created an online account from our website, there is a Product Feed available for downloading under your account Re-seller Tools. Please note, you are not allowed to link direct to the images on our server.
There is no minimum order requirement unless an item specifies it can only be ordered in a certain quantity.
There are no handling fees.
You must first create an online account to place orders with our company. All orders must be placed through our secured website. We do not accept phone, email, fax, or orders placed by postal mail.
Amazon requires the use of their shipping labels, which we do not work with. Therefore, we will not be able to ship Amazon orders.
Print orders are non-refundable, and cannot be returned for replacement.
We do not offer drop shipping on promotional products.
Under our Promotional Custom Imprinted and Embroidered Products Category, you can request a quote for any of our imprintable products as well as upload your artwork.
There is a minimum order quantity requirement for print orders. The minimum requirement is listed for each imprintable item. We do not print for less than the minimum listed.
We do not export outside the United States.